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#8 Early NE firkin in old grungy dry blue paint. SOLD

#9 Early N.H. Indian bowl. Price $295

#10 Early candle box in old grungy dry red paint. SOLD

#11 Early treen pitcher in grungy surface. Price $ 165

#12 Early treen hornbeams. A) Price $245 B) Price $ 220

#13 Early Pilgrim bowl shelf in old grungy putty paint. Price $ 285
Bowls Priced Left to Right. A) Early treen bowl with handle. Price $ 220
B) Early treen charger plate. Price $ 225
C) Early treen bowl. Price $165

#14 Early hanging open bowl shelf in grungy surface. SOLD

#15 Primitive corner shelf in grungy pewter paint. Price $ 185
A) Early treen plate. Price $165
B) Early treen mortar / bowl. Price $ 145

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